LHCb Silicon Tracker - Photos from IT Station Installation

Click on the thumbnails to see full-sized pictures

Detector boxes and Radiation Monitor on IT2A

Cooling test with a dummy detector box

Service Boxes on IT3C

Installing detector boxes on IT2C

Installing Service Boxes on IT2A (January 9, 2008)

Cabling up Service Boxes (December 12-17, 2007)

Damaged detector box after it hit the beam-pipe protection (December 12, 2007)

Connecting the optical fibres (November 19, 2007)

Installing the first two detector boxes (November 6-12, 2007)

Some infrastructure (September 7, 2007)

Bypasses for tests of the C6F14 cooling system (June 14, 2007)

Installing the first station frames (July 11, 2006)

See also:

LHCb Silicon Tracker photos
LHCb Silicon Tracker material for publications

Go back to: Silicon Tracker Home Page, LHCb Home Page
Page maintained by olafs@physik.uzh.ch, last modfied on July 16, 2008