LHCb Silicon Tracker - tex files from Inner Tracker TDR

Title page
List of authors
Plot of LHCb Detector
  1. Introduction
    1. Detector Requirements
    2. Evolution Since Technical Proposal
    3. Structure of this Document
  2. Detector Layout
    1. Station Layout
    2. Detector Boxes
    3. Silicon Ladders
    4. Readout Electronics
  3. Summary of R&D and Prototyping
    1. Silicon Sensors
    2. Front-end Chip and Hybrid
    3. Test-beam Results
    4. Station Mechanics
    5. Readout Link
    6. Level-1 Electronics Board
  4. Simulation Studies
    1. Detector Description
    2. Occupancies
    3. Momentum Resolution
    4. Radiation Environment
  5. Detector Design
    1. Silicon Sensors
    2. Silicon Ladders
    3. Station Mechanics
    4. Level-0 Electronics
    5. Readout Link
    6. Level-1 Electronics
    7. Infrastructure
    8. Safety Aspects
  6. Project Organisation
    1. Schedule
    2. Milestones
    3. Costs
    4. Division of Responsibilities

See also:

LHCb Silicon Tracker material for publications

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Page maintained by olafs@physik.uzh.ch, last modfied on July 16, 2008