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Notes related to ST software

Studies of the Silicon Tracker resolution using data , J. van Tilburg , LHCb-2010-016 ( public)
Measurement of the Inner Tracker Efficiency , J. Luisier and M. Needham , LHCb-2010-031 ( internal)


Alignment of the Inner Tracker Stations Using First Data , L. Nicolas and M. Needham , LHCb-2009-012 ( public)
First alignment of the Inner Tracker using data from the TI-8 sector test , M. Needham , LHCb-2009-030 ( public)


IT Survey Measurements: Analysis and Implementation in the LHCb Software , G. Conti, F. Blanc , LHCb-2008-069 ( public)
IT Survey Strategy , G. Conti et al , LHCb-2008-068 ( public)
Tracking stations alignment with Kalman tracks at LHCb , L. Nicolas et al , LHCb-2008-066 ( public)
First Studies of T-station alignment with simulated data , L. Nicolas et al , LHCb-2008-065 ( public)
TT detector description and implementation of the survey measurements , C. Salzmann , J. van Tilburg , LHCb-2008-061 ( public)
Survey of the Cables of Inner Tracker , V. Fave, LHCb-2008-055 ( public)
Estimation of the material budget of the Inner Tracker , V. Fave , LHCb-2008-054 ( public )
Silicon Tracker zero-suppressed data model and decoding , M. Needham, LHCb-2008-047 ( public)
Updated description of the Silicon Tracker detector element tree, M. Needham, LHCb-2008-046 (private)
Description of the Vetra Project and its Application for the VELO Detector, T. Szumlak, C. Parkes, LHCb-2008-022 (public)


Updated channel numbering and readout partitioning for the Silicon Tracker, M. Needham, O. Steinkamp, LHCb-2007-137 (public )
Estimation of the material budget of the LHCb detector, M. Needham, T. Ruf, LHCb-2007-024 (public)
Silicon Tracker Occupancies and Clustering, M. Needham, LHCb-2007-024 (public)


A first study of the Inner Tracker alignment, K.Vervink, LHCb-2006-060 (internal)
The Silicon Tracker detector element tree, M.Needham, LHCb-2006-034 (internal)
Channel numbering and readout partitioning for the Silicon Tracker, M.Needham, LHCb-2006-033 (public)
Updated geometry description for the LHCb Trigger Tracker, M.Needham, D. Volyanskyy, LHCb-2006-032 (public)
The Inner Tracker detector description and its implementation in the XML database, A.Perrin, K.Vervink, LHCb-2006-018 (public)


Material Budget Calculation for the LHCb TT Station, M.Needham and A.Wenger, LHCb-2005-020 (public)
Updated Occupancies for the LHCb Silicon Tracker, M.Needham, LHCb-2005-006 (public)


The Mechanical Design of the LHCb Silicon Trigger Tracker, J.Gassner, F.Lehner and S.Steiner, LHCb-2004-110 (public)
Tsa: Fast and Efficient Reconstruction for the Inner Tracker, M.Needham, LHCb-2004-075 (public)
Expected Particle Fluences and Performance of the LHCb Trigger Tracker, M.Siegler et al., LHCb-2004-070 (public)
Impact of Thicker ST Substrates on Tracking and Physics Performance, J.Blouw, LHCb-2004-067 (internal)
Raw Data Format and Readout Partitioning for the Silicon Tracker, M.Needham, O.Steinkamp, U.Straumann and A.Vollhardt, LHCb-2004-044 (internal)


Simulating Energy Loss in Thin Silicon Detectors, M.Needham, LHCb-2003-160 (public)
Layout and Expected Performance of the LHCb TT Station, J.Gassner, M.Needham and O.Steinkamp, LHCb-2003-140 (public)
Silicon Tracker Simulation Performance, M.Needham,, LHCb-2003-015 (public)


The Use of the TT1 Tracking Station in the Level-1 Trigger, H.Dijkstra et al., LHCb-2002-045 (public)
Momentum Resolution Studies for the Inner Tracker TDR, M.Needham, LHCb-2002-043 (public)
Inner and Outer Tracker Occupancies in the Light LHCb Detector, M.Needham, LHCb-2002-032 (internal)
New Data Model, Digitization and Reconstruction Algorithms for the Inner Tracker, M.Needham, LHCb-2002-030 (internal)


LHCb VELO off detector electronics preprocessor and interface to the level 1 trigger, Bay et al., LHCb-2001-043 ( public)
First Results From LHCb Inner Tracker Performance Studies Using New Digitization Software, A.Polouektov et al., LHCb-2001-118 (public)


Inner Tracker Geometry Implementation in GEANT, F.Ronga, LHCb-2000-106 (internal)

See also:

All ST notes (from ST webpage)

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