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Laser test set-up: Documentation

Prepare the Laser test stand in lab 36H26 for measurements

1.  Switch-on PC(mops) in Windows XP mode (steers the Beetle programming & read-out)

2.  Login: lhcb Password:  an experiment name

3. Start LabVIEW (click on symbol on the task bar)

4. Open VI: either pull-down menu or path
                   My Documents/LabView/I2CBeetle12_LabView/i2c_beetle13.vi
                   My Documents/LabView/ODE_readout/ODE_readout_PCI_4port (_consecutive ) .vi
                   My Documents/LabView/stepping_motor/step60/SteppingMotor_XP.vi

5. Switch on VME (red handle on lower left) and both NIM crates.

6. Switch on power supplies at bottom of the rack.
               Lower PS to power PCB neccessary for the readout
               Upper PS for Beetle power. Remark: current consumption of 3-chip-hybrid about 1A @ 8.0V.

7. i2c_beetle13.vi :  press "Run" in the i2c_beetle13.vi
              General information in Beetle1.3 reference manual. Standart settings (read at startup) are saved in
              My Documents/LabView/I2CBeetle12_LabView/standart.set
             Programm Beetle chips:
                        1. Click on: find device ID (You have to get green light for I2C Status)
                        2. Press: send all registers
                        3. Press: read all registers

LabView Screenshot  

8. Press Beetle reset button on Beetle-Mama PCB-board

9. ODE_readout_PCI_4port .vi (Program for read-out of the Beetle signals)
      Standart settings (read at startup) are saved in
      My Documents/LabView/ODE_readout/standart.set
      1. Press "Run" button in the VI
      2. Press: Initialize ODE
3. Press: Start Readout

LabView Screenshot

10. Switch-on chiller for the hybrids
      Water temperature: 10 degC
       Lower limit: 5 degC
      Upper limit: 15 degC

11. start Nitrogen flush: turn on main valve on open handle of the N2 line to the fridge.
     Turn flow meter to release measurement cone (flow<10m3/h)
      Produces a dry atmosphere insode the fridge.

12. IMPORTANT: fridge has to be closed when Bias voltage is applied!
     Procedure to apply Bias voltage:
       1. Switch on power supply on top of the rack.
       2. Press: ZCHK (zero check)
       3. Press V-source: upper arrow
       4. Press: Range upper arrow - twice (set voltage range to 500 V )
       5. Use left arrow to select decimal digit of voltage setting
       6. Set 10 Volts and Press: Enter
       7. Set current limit to 250 uA with down arrow and Press: Enter
       8.  Switch on voltage by pressing: OPER (blue light confirms switching ON)
       9.  Increase voltage slowly to e.g. 250 Volts (confirm by pressing ENTER twice)

13. Open a WinSCP3 session (click on shortcut in Windows task bar)
      login to panther2 as lhcb (password is ein wanderer)
      data directory on Mops is something like
      Shared Documents\Laserteststand\beetle1_3_4port\CMS3+Flex\calibration
      data directory on panther2 is something like

14. Start data taking in ODE_readout_vi by clicking box beside Save Data
      data directories on Mops are something like
      Shared Documents\Laserteststand\beetle1_3_4port\CMS3+Flex\calibration

15. operating the stepping motor to move Laser optics along Sensor:

Stepper Notor VI Front Panel

Different operation modes:

I) internal Testpulse scans:

1.) trigger read-out via TP-IN lemo on Beetle-Mama
2.) set Itp parameter in I2C_Beetle13.vi to desired value (1uA Itp ~ 100-110e-), e.g. 1 MIP in 500mum silicon about 40'000 e-, i.e. about Itp=400uA
3.) mark channels with TP on TpSelect (#22) map (already done for standard setting)
4.) Latency is about 15 (might change with physical setup)
5.) Use upper switch row of the lower delay switch box in rack to modify the time delay between the test pulse and the read-out trigger.
6.) be sure to take all signal data with equal polarity of the testpulses (use Reset button on BeetleMama)


analyze data on panther2:
start shell on ratte
ssh panther2 (password is ein wanderer)
xemacs logbook/lasertest_Beetle_1_3.log &
example of a logbook entry:

Test pulse calibration

STANDARD READ-OUT SETTINGS as defined on 27/04/2004

calibration channels:
ch. 10; 42; 74; 106  with amplitude -1
ch. 21; 53; 85; 117  with amplitude +1

Vbias=270V, Ileak= 5.9uA
T(hybrid)= 15.7degC, T(box)= 20.5degC

pedestals  20040430_001.dat 12423  latency 15, delay 92ns
latency  delay       file name           events
15       88          20040430_002.dat    2318
15       61          20040430_003.dat    1072
15       56          20040430_004.dat    2587
15       52          20040430_005.dat    1033
15       48          20040430_006.dat    1062
15       44          20040430_007.dat    1230
15       40          20040430_008.dat    1196
15       36          20040430_009.dat    1027

copy data files with WinSCP3 (see above point 13)
proceed data on panther2:
enter correct data path in /disk/panther2/lhcb/progs/proceedPedestalFile and /disk/panther2/lhcb/progs/createNewRootFiles
and modify pedestal file name in createNewRootFiles
in the shell:

lhcb/progs> cd /disk/panther2/lhcb/progs/
lhcb/progs> ./proceedPedestalFile 20040430_001                                 
Skript wurde von panther2 gestartet.
 Datendir /disk/panther2/lhcb/data/beetle1_3_4port/CMS3+Flex/calibration/
creating run from raw buffer
4 port mode, read in 12424
calculating pedestals
write pedestals
read pedestals
 configure with outlier cut 2 iter 2
create run
rejected 5.96603
lhcb/progs> rm /disk/panther2/lhcb/root/beetle1_3_4port/CMS3+Flex/calibration/20040430_00[2-9].root
lhcb/progs> ./createNewRootFiles
Skript wurde von panther2 gestartet.
skipping 20040430_001.dat - ROOT-file already exist.
read pedestals
creating run from raw buffer
4 port mode, read in 2319
 configure with outlier cut 2 iter 2
create run
rejected 5.81458

start a new shell on panther2:
hep/lhcb> ssh panther2
lhcb@panther2's password:******
hep/lhcb> cd analyse
lhcb/analyse> root baseline.C (modify file name in C file)

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Last modified: Thursday 17th 2005f March 2005, 14:59